Method of Wudu
Table of Contents
Excellence of Durūd Sharīf

The Intense Love of ‘Ušmān-e-Ghanī for the Exalted Prophet
Ḥaḍrat Sayyidunā ‘Ušmān-e-Ghanī once asked someone to bring water at a particular place and performed Wuḍū. Thereafter, he smiled and asked his companions if they knew why he had smiled. Then, he himself answered, “Once the beloved and blessed Prophet + performed Wuḍū at this very place; then smiled and asked his companions, ‘Do you know why I smiled?’ The companions replied, ‘Allāĥ and His Rasūl
know the best.’ The Holy Prophet (
said, ‘When a person performs Wuḍū and washes his hands, the sins of his hands are washed away; when he washes his face, the sins of his face are washed away; when he wipes his head, the sins of his head are washed away and when he washes his feet, the sins of his feet are washed away.’” (Musnad Imām Aḥmad, pp. 130, vol. 1, Ḥadīš 415) Dear Islamic brothers! Did you notice how the blessed companions would imitate every act and every Sunnaĥ of the Holy Prophet
with great passion? This narration also provides us a remedy for sins. rinsing the mouth results in the sins of the mouth being washed away, washing the nose results in the sins of the nose being washed away, washing the face results in the sins of the face including the eye lashes being washed away, washing the hands results in the sins of hands and those beneath the nails being washed away, wiping the head (and ears) results in the sins of the head and ears being washed away and washing the feet results in sins of both feet including those beneath the toenails being washed away.
Sins Wiped Away
Ḥaḍrat ‘Allāmaĥ ‘Abdul Waĥĥāb Sha‘rānī says that once Ḥaḍrat Sayyidunā Imām-e-A‘ẓam Abū Ḥanīfaĥ was in the Wuḍū area of the Jāmi’aĥ Masjid in Kūfaĥ where he saw a young man performing Wuḍū. Drops of used water of Wuḍū were trickling from his body. The Imām said, “Son! Repent of disobeying your parents.” The young man instantly replied, “I repent.” The Imām then saw drops of water dripping from the body of another man and said, “O brother! Repent from fornication.” The man replied, “I repent.” The Imām then saw drops of water dripping from the body of a third person and said, “Repent of taking wine and listening to music.” He replied, “I repent.” Ḥaḍrat Sayyidunā Imām Abū Ḥanīfaĥ had been given the power of Kashf (spiritual insight) and was able to see the faults of people. He prayed Allāĥ to take back this faculty of intuition from him. Allāĥ answered his prayer and henceforth he could no longer see the sins of people being washed away during Wuḍū. (

The Whole Body Purified
According to summary of two sayings of the Prophet of mankind, the peace of our heart and mind, the most generous and kind “The person who begins Wuḍū by saying ٰ
,his whole body from head to toe gets purified and the one who does not say ٰ
before Wuḍū, only washed portion of his body gets purified.” ” (Sunan Dār Quṭnī,
pp. 108, 109, vol. 1, Ḥadīš 228, 229)
Excellence of Sleeping in the State of Wuḍū
A Ḥadīš states, “The person who sleeps in the state of Wuḍū is similar to one who worships in the state of fasting.” (Kanz-ul-’Ummāl, pp. 123, vol. 9, Ḥadīš 25994)
The One who Dies in the State of Wuḍū is a Shaĥīd
The beloved and blessed Rasūl said to Ḥaḍrat Sayyidunā Anas , “Son! If you have the capability of remaining in the state of Wuḍū all the time, then do so, because Shaĥādat is written down for the one whose soul is captured by the angel of death in the state of Wudu.” A‘lā Ḥaḍrat Imām Aḥmad Razā Khān says, “Keeping Wuḍū all the time is Mustaḥab.”
A Tip to Avoid Troubles
Allāĥ said to Ḥaḍrat Sayyidunā Musa , “O Musa! You should take yourself to task if you face a trouble when not in state of Wuḍū.”(Shu’bul Īmān, pp. 29, vol. 3, 2782)
“Remaining in state of Wuḍū all times is a Sunnaĥ of Islam.” (Fatāwā Raḍawiyyah (Jad īd), pp. 702, vol. 1)
Seven Benefits of Keeping Wuḍū
Imām-e-Aĥl-e-Sunnat Imām Aḥmad Razā Khān says, “Some saintshave said that anyone who stays in a state of Wuḍū at all times may be awarded with seven bounties by Allāĥ
- Angels will be enthusiastic to avail his company.
- The holy pen will keep on writing good deeds for him.
- His organs will perform Tasbīḥ of Allāĥ.
- He will never miss his Takbīr-e-Taḥrīmaĥ (first Takbīr of Ṣalāĥ).
- When he sleeps, Allāĥ sends Angels who will protect him
from the evils of jinns and human beings. - He will feel easiness in severe fits of death.
- He will remain in the safeguard of Allāĥ as long as he is in the
state of Wuḍū.” (ibid, pp. 702, 703)
Double Šawāb
No doubt, it is difficult to perform Wuḍū when it’s cold or when we are tired or suffering from flu, headache or any other illness, but if someone performs Wuḍū in such a state of difficulty, according to Ḥadīš he will be awarded twice the Šawāb. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Awsaṭ-liṭ-Ṭabrānī, pp. 106, vol. 4, Ḥadīš 5366)
Method of Wuḍū (Ḥanafī)
It is Mustaḥab to sit on an elevated place facing Qiblaĥ. To make intention for Wuḍū is Sunnaĥ. Intention means to intend by heart. Verbal intention is preferable provided the same is present in the heart. Therefore, make intention as, “I am performing Wuḍū in order to fulfil the commandment of Allāĥ and to attain purity.” Recite ٰ as it is also a Sunnaĥ, rather say ٰ ْ
,as angels will continue writing good deeds as long as one is in the state of Wuḍū. (Majma’-uz Zawāid, pp. 513, vol. 1, Ḥadīš 1112) Wash both hands up to the wrists three times each and afterwards do Khilāl (to intermix fingers of both hands to dampen the gaps) of the fingers (with the tap closed). Now use Miswāk three times in right & left, upper & lower teeth and after each cycle, rinse the Miswāk. Ḥujja-tul-Islām Imām Muḥammad Ghazālī says, “Whilst using a Miswāk, make intention to clean mouth for the recitation of the Holy Qurān and for the Żikr (Remembrance) of Allāĥ.” (Iḥyā-ul-‘Ulūm, pp. 182, vol. 1).
Now rinse your mouth three times with handfuls of water (closing the tap each time) using right hand making sure that water reaches all parts of the mouth and gargle as well if you are not in fasting. Now sniff water three times in nose up to soft flesh using three handfuls (now half handful is sufficient) of right hand (closing the tap each time) and if not in fasting, snuffle water up to the inside end of the nose. Now clean the nose by left hand (keeping the tap turned off) and insert small finger inside holes of the nose. Wash the whole face three times such that water must flow on every part from the top of the forehead (the point where the hair naturally begins to grow) to the bottom of the chin and from one earlobe to the other. If one has beard and he is not in the state of Iḥrām (Special state for Ḥaj / ‘Umraĥ) then do Khilāl (with the tap turned off) of beard by inserting the fingers into the beard from the neck and bringing them out towards the front. Now wash the right arm from the tips of the fingers up to (and including) the elbow three times and then wash the left arm in the same manner. To wash up to half of the upper arm is Mustaḥab. Most people take a small amount of water in their hand and pour it over their arm towards the elbow three times. But in this method, there is risk that water would not flow over the edges of wrist and arm. Therefore, wash arms as mentioned. Now there is no need to pour a handful of water over the arms. In fact, doing this (without a valid justification) is wastage of water. Now (with the tap closed) perform moistening of the head. This should be done by joining the tips of the three fingers, other than the index fingers and thumbs, of both hands and placing them on the top of forehead. Move back these fingers from forehead to the back of the neck without letting the palms touch the head. Each palm should then be placed on either side of the head and pulled across the sides back towards the forehead. During this, the index fingers and thumbs should not touch the head at all. Now use the index fingers to wipe the insides of the ears, the thumbs for the back of ears and the small fingers should be inserted inside the holes of ears. Now moisten the back of the neck using the back of fingers of both hands. Some people, in addition, wipe the front of the neck, the forearms and wrists; this is not Sunnaĥ. Make a habit of turning the tap off before wiping the head. To waste water by leaving the tap open fully or partially is a sin. Now wash both feet three times, first the right and then the left, beginning from the toes up to the top of the ankles. It is Mustaḥab to wash up to halfway up the shin. To do Khilāl between the fingers of both feet is Sunnaĥ. The tap should be kept turned off during Khilāl. Its Mustaḥab method is to start doing Khilāl from little toe of the right foot to its big toe using the small finger of the left hand, and then, doing Khilāl from the big toe of the left foot to its little toe using the same small finger of the left hand. (Common books)
Ḥujja-tul-Islām Imām Muḥammad Ghazālī says, “While washing each organ, one should hope that the sins of that organ are being washed away.” (Iḥyā-ul-‘Ulūm, pp. 183, vol. 1)

Also recite this Du‘ā after Wuḍū (with Durūd Sharīf before and after it).

All Eight Portals of Heaven get Open
One Ḥadīš mentions, “If a person does Wuḍū properly and reads Kalima e-Shaĥādaĥ, all 8 portals of Heaven are opened for him and he may enter through any one he desires.” (Sunan Dārimī, pp. 196, vol. 1, Ḥadīš 716)
The Excellence of Reciting Sūra-e-Qadr after Wuḍū
One sacred Ḥadīš mentions, “If a person reads Sūra-e-Qadr once after Wuḍū, he will be amongst the Ṣiddīqīn and if he reads it twice he will be amongst the Shuĥadā and if he reads it three times, Allāĥ will keep him with His prophets on the Day of Judgement.” (Kanz-ul- ’Ummāl, pp. 132, vol. 9, Ḥadīš 26085, Al-Ḥavī-lil-Fatāwa-lis-Suyūṭī, pp. 402, 403, vol. 1)
Eyesight Never Goes Weak
If a person looks up to the sky after Wuḍū and reads Sūra-e-Qadr, his eyesight will never become weak. (Masāail-ul-Qurān, pp. 291)
Four Farāiḍ of Wuḍū
- Washing the face
- Washing both arms including the elbows
- Moistening a quarter of the head
- Washing both feet including the ankles. (Fatāwa-e-‘Ālamgīrī, pp. 3, 4, 5, vol. 1, Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 288, vol. 1)
Definition of ‘Washing’
Washing an organ means flowing of at least two drops of water on each part of that organ. If the organ is simply moistened by rubbing a wet hand over it, or if only one drop of water flows over a section of it then it will not be considered washed and the Wuḍū or Ghusl will not be valid in that case. (Fatāwā Raḍawiyyah (Jad īd), pp. 218, vol. 1, Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 288, vol. 1)
Fourteen Sunan of Wuḍū
Some Sunan and Mustaḥab acts have already been mentioned under the
heading “Method of Wuḍū (Ḥanafī).” Further details are as under.
- Making intention
- Reading
is read before making Wuḍū, angels will write good deeds for him as long as one is in the state of Wuḍū. (Majma’-uz-Zawāid, pp. 513, vol. 1, Ḥadīš 1112)
- Washing both hands up to the wrists three times
- Using Miswāk three times
- Rinsing the mouth three times using three handfuls of water
- Gargling, if not in fasting
- Sniffing water into the nose three times using three half handfuls
of water - Doing Khilāl of beard (when not in the state of Iḥrām)
- Doing Khilāl of the hand fingers
- Doing Khilāl of foot toes
- Moistening the whole head only once
- Moistening the ears
- Maintaining the order of the Farāiḍ (i.e. washing the face first, then the arms, then wiping the head and then washing the feet)
- Washing next part before the previously washed one dries. (Baĥāre-Sharī’at, pp. 293, 294, vol. 1)
Twenty-Nine Mustaḥabbāt of Wuḍū
- Facing the Qiblaĥ
- Making Wuḍu at an elevated place
- Making Wuḍu sitting
- Stroking hand on organs while washing them
- Doing Wuḍū calmly
- Moistening the organs of Wuḍū prior to washing, especially in winter
- Avoiding taking assistance in making Wuḍū from anyone without necessity
- Rinsing the mouth using the right hand
- Sniffing water into the nose using the right hand
- Using the left hand to clean the nose
- Inserting the small finger of the left hand into the nostrils
- Moistening the back of the neck using the back of the hands
- Inserting the wet small finger of each hand into each ear whilst wiping the ears
- Displacing the finger ring if it is loosely fit and it is sure that water has flowed on skin beneath it. If ring is snug fit, it is mandatory to displace the ring so that water may flow beneath it.
- Doing Wuḍū before the beginning of the time of the Ṣalāĥ if one is not a Ma‘zur-e-Shar‘ī [Detailed rulings regarding Ma‘zur-e-Shar‘ī are presented ahead in this booklet].
- For a person who performs Wuḍū perfectly i.e. whose no due part remains unwashed, taking special care for washing of inward corners of his eyes towards nose, ankles, heels, soles, thick muscles above heals, the gaps between fingers and elbows is Mustaḥab. For non-caring people, it is Farḍ to take special care for these parts as it has been observed that such parts often remain dry due to carelessness. Such carelessness is Ḥarām and to take care is Farḍ.
- Keeping the loṫā (ewer) towards left side. In case of using a tub or dish for Wuḍū, keep it towards right side.
- While washing the face, wide-spreading the water on the forehead such that some additional upper part may get washed
- Enhancing the brilliance of face and
- Arms and feet; this means spreading water over a bit more areas around the Farḍ areas, e.g. washing the arms to half length above the elbow and washing the feet beyond the ankles up to half length of the shin.
- Using both hands for washing the face
- Starting from the fingers when washing the hands and feet
- Wiping away droplets of each organ by hands after washing so that drops of water may not fall upon body or clothes especially when one has to enter a Masjid because dripping of Wuḍū waterdrops on to the floor of the Masjid is Makrūĥ-e-Taḥrīmī
- Remembrance of the intention for Wuḍū at the time of washing wiping of organs
- Reciting Durūd Sharīf and Kalima-e-Shaĥādat in addition to at the beginning
- Do not unnecessarily mop the washed organs and if mopping is necessary, avoid drying them completely i.e. leave some wetness, because on the Day of Judgement it will be weighed with the pious deeds.
- Do not jerk hands after Wuḍū to remove droplets of water as it is Satan’s fan.
- Sprinkling water on that part of Shalwār (A type of loose trouser) which is closer to urinary organ. When sprinkling water on to the Shalwār, it is better to keep the front part of the Shalwār hidden under the kurtā. In fact, keeping this part of the Shalwār concealed during the whole Wuḍū and at all other times using Kameez or a shawl is closer to modesty.
- Offering two Rak’at Nafl Ṣalāĥ after Wuḍū if it is not a Makrūĥ time. These Nawāfil are called Taḥiyya-tul-Wuḍū. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 293-300, vol. 1)
Fifteen Makruĥāt of Wuḍū
- Sitting in a vile place for Wuḍū
- Draining the water used in Wuḍū in a vile place
- Dripping water droplets from wet Wuḍū organs into ewer etc. (While washing the face, drops of water usually fall into water carried in the hands. This should be avoided.)
- Spitting saliva, phlegm or rinsing mouth in the direction of Qiblaĥ
- Using water in excess (Ṣadr-ush-Sharī‘aĥ Muftī Maulānā Amjad ‘Alī says in Baĥār-e-Sharī’at Part two, Page 23, Published in Madīna-tul-Murshid Bareilly Sharīf, “Half a handful of water is sufficient for sniffing into the nose, so taking a complete handful for nose is wastage.”)
- Using so less quantity of water that Sunnaĥ cannot be followed. (Neither turn the tap on so much that causes wastage of water nor so less that causes difficulty in following Sunnaĥ; instead it should be moderate.)
- Splashing water on face
- Blowing onto water while pouring over the face
- Washing the face with only one hand as this is a custom of Rawāfiḍ and Hindus
- Wiping the front of the neck
- Rinsing the mouth or sniffing water into the nose using left hand
- Cleaning the nose with the right hand
- Using three sets of unused water to moisten the head three times.
- Using hot water heated by sun beams
- Closing the eyes and lips tightly. If these parts remained unwashed due to be kept tightly closed, the Wuḍū would not be complete. To abandon any Sunnaĥ of Wuḍū is Makruĥ and to leave any Makruĥ of Wuḍū is Sunnaĥ. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 300-301, vol. 1)
An Important Ruling about Used Water
If you are without Wuḍū and your hand, fingertip, fingernail, toenail or any other part of your body that must be washed during Wuḍū comes into contact with water covering less than the surface area of 25 square yards or 225 square feet for example, water in a bucket or tub, that water will become Musta’mal (used), and it can no longer be used for Wuḍū or Ghusl, regardless of whether this was done deliberately or unintentionally. Similarly, if Ghusl is due and any unwashed part of the body comes into contact with water, this water cannot be used for Wuḍū or Ghusl. However, it doesn’t matter if washed hand or washed part of body comes into contact with the water. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 333, vol. 1) (Please study part 2 of Baĥār-e-Sharī’at for more information on Musta’mal water.)
Attention All Pān (Betel Leaves) Eaters!
A’lā Ḥaḍrat Imām Aḥmad Razā Khān says, “Those who are addicted to Pān know from experience that small particles of the Pān get stuck in all parts of the mouth (especially when there are gaps in the teeth) and rinsing the mouth three times or even ten times does not help in cleaning it properly. In fact, even using a toothpick or Miswāk does not help, whereas cleaning the mouth properly has been stressed greatly. It has been mentioned in numerous Aḥādīš that when a person stands to offer Ṣalāĥ, an angel places mouth on his mouth and anything he recites comes out of his mouth and enters the mouth of the angel. If, at that time, there are particles of food stuck in his teeth, the angels feel so severe distress by it that nothing else causes so severe
distress to them.
Beloved Rasūl of Allāĥ () + said, “When you stand at night to offer Ṣalāĥ, you should clean your teeth with a Miswāk because when you recite the Qurān an angel places his mouth on yours and anything coming out of your mouth enters the mouth of that angel.” (Shu’bul Īmān, pp. 381, vol. 2, Ḥadīš 2117) There is a report narrated by Ḥaḍrat Sayyidunā Abū Ayyūb Anṣārī in the book Kabīr written by Imām Ṭabarānī that there is nothing more troublesome for both angels than seeing their companion offering Ṣalāĥ with pieces of food stuck in his teeth. ((Mu’jam Kabīr, pp. 177, vol. 4, Ḥadīš 4061, Fatāwā-e Raḍavīyyaĥ, pp. 624-625, vol. 1)
A Great Madanī Point of Taṣawwuf (Sufism)
Ḥujja-tul-Islām Imām Muḥammad Ghazālī says, ‘When you pay your attention towards Ṣalāĥ after completing your Wuḍū, now imagine: “The parts of my body that people can see are purified but standing in the court of Allāĥ without a purified heart is shameful because Allāĥ sees hearts as well.” He further adds, “One should remember that the sanctity of the heart lies in repentance, abandoning sins and adopting nice ethics. A person who neglects the inner purity and pays attention to the outer purity only is like a person who invites a king to his house for a feast and in order to please the king he cleans, polishes and colours the outside of his house but neglects the interior. How will the king feel when he enters his house and sees filth everywhere? Will he be happy or displeased? Every wise person may understand how the king would react.” (Iḥyā-ul-‘Ulūm, pp. 185, vol. 1)

Five Rulings Regarding Bleeding from Wound
- Blood, pus or yellowish fluid came out, flowed and it could reach to a part of the body that is Farḍ to be washed in Wuḍū or Ghusl, Wuḍū will become invalid. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 304, vol. 1)
- If the blood just emerged on the surface and did not flow, for example when the skin is cut slightly with the point of a sewing pin, knife or while using a toothpick or Miswāk to clean your teeth or while biting an apple causing impression of blood on apple or if traces of blood seen on finger after inserting it into nose but not capable of flowing, Wuḍū will not be affected. (ibid)
- If it flows but not onto the surface of skin that must be washed in Wuḍū or Ghusl (e.g. you have a spot in your eye that bursts but the fluid remains within the eyelids or you feel bleeding inside your ear canal but the blood stays inside), Wuḍū will not be affected. (ibid, pp. 27)
- Even if the wound is quite large and the fluid is visible, Wuḍū will not become null (invalid) unless the fluid (pus/blood) flows from the wound. (ibid)
- If one kept on cleaning the emerging blood from the wound and did not let it flow, then ponder whether the cleaned quantity was capable of flowing or not. If yes, Wuḍū will become invalid and otherwise, not. (ibid)
Do Injections Nullify Wuḍū?
- In case of inter muscular injection, Wuḍū will become invalid provided blood comes out in such an amount that could flow.
- However, in case of Intravenous (IV) injection, blood is first drawn into the needle and its quantity is enough to make it capable of flow, hence it would nullify the Wuḍū.
- Similarly, when liquid glucose is injected into veins via a drip, the Wuḍū will no longer remain valid because in such cases blood rises into the tube in the amount that could flow. If somehow, blood does not enter the tube, Wuḍū will not be affected.
- Getting blood out of body through a syringe for a blood test will also nullify the Wuḍū. This blood is as impure as urine. Therefore, do not offer Ṣalāĥ with a bottle of blood in pocket.
Tears of an Ailing Eye
- Tears that flow out due to an infection or illness of the eyes are impure and would also nullify Wuḍū. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 310, vol. 1) Unfortunately, many people are unaware of this ruling and they mop away such tears like ordinary tears with their sleeves or clothes thus making their clothes impure.
- The fluid discharged from the eye of a blind man due to disease is
impure and nullifies Wuḍū. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 306, vol. 1)
Pure and Impure Fluid
Any fluid that is discharged from the human body but could not nullify Wuḍū is not impure. Examples are blood or pus that cannot flow, or vomit that is less than a mouthful. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 309, vol. 1)
Blisters and Pimples
- If a blister is burst by rubbing and its fluid flowed, Wuḍū would become invalid; otherwise not. (ibid, pp. 305)
- If the pimple has completely healed; just its dead skin has remained with an opening on the top and space inside, if water fills inside the skin that is pressed to take the water out; neither Wuḍū will become invalid nor that water is impure. However, if some wetness of blood etc. was present inside it, Wuḍu will become invalid and that ejected water is also impure. (Fatāwā Raḍawiyyah (Jad īd), pp. 355- 356, vol. 1)
- If there is no flowing fluid in pimple or if itching does not cause fluid-flowing; there is just stickiness, no matter how many times clothes touch it, they will remain pure. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 310, vol. 1)
- While cleaning the nose, if dried up blood came out, it would not affect the Wuḍū; however, repeating the Wuḍū is preferred. (Fatāwā Raḍawiyyah (Jad īd), pp. 281, vol. 1)
When does Vomiting Nullify One’s Wuḍū?
Vomiting food or water that is a mouthful invalidates Wuḍū. It is considered a mouthful when it cannot be prevented easily. This vomit is as impure as urine, so it is vital to protect the clothes and body from being stained by it. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at, pp. 306, 390 etc, vol. 1)